Monday, 30 November 2015

Get ZeroWater ZJ-003 Filtration Water Cooler Bottle with Electronic Tester, Filters Included Best

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Offer List: $90.00
Price: $71.08 Details
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For US/UK/DE visitors, to buy ZeroWater ZJ-003 Filtration Water Cooler Bottle with Electronic Tester, Filters Included, please visit:

fishy smell not from filtration system
We loved our zero water system. After a few months the water started tasting funny and had a foul fishy smell. The meter tested the water under 6 so we knew the filters should still be good. We changed the filters any way, way before time. Still fishy smell. I cleaned the filtration bottle. Still the same. It wasn't till I took apart the stand the water filtration was on that I discovered a film of slime in our cooler. At the time we had one of those cold/hot dispensers a few feet tall. I mean I really had to take it apart and check every palce the water went. After I did that, the smell went away. A few months later it came back. Took it apart and slime again. We changed the water filtration to a countertop no cold/hot type holder and havn't had any problems since. The filters last many months now. Also if you put water in the filtration system above the middle white will leak. Water is meant to only be stored in the lower 1/2 of the system.

See Products Related To ZeroWater ZJ-003 Filtration Water Cooler Bottle with Electronic Tester, Filters Included: ZeroWater

ZeroWater Filter Bottle for Standard Coolers: The ZJ-003 Bottle uses the replacement filters in the ZR-001 one-pack, the ZR-017 two-pack, the ZR-006 four-pack and the ZR-008 eight-pack.
Z-Bottle, Convienence is the name of the game
I've been buying bottled water for years and was kinda getting tired of always hauling the cases of water around. Then my girlfriend talked myself and one of my children into a diet that included drinking a large quantity of water a day, so I decided it was time to switch to the 5-gallon bottles and a dispenser. Found a wonderful stainless dispenser at [...] that makes hot water hot enough for tea and cold water just right for drinking. So now I have to mess with the 5-gallon water bottles. This basically gave me, I thought, 3 options. Having a water delivery service (very expensive), picking up 5-gallon water bottles pre-filled at a place like Home Depot, or taking the empty water bottles in to Wal-Mart and for $2.00 a bottle, refilling them myself. All of these options required that I have storage for a couple empties, and all of them have varying degrees of annoyance. Then while walking through the Home Depot I came across the Z-bottles by ZeroWater. Seemed like the answer to all...
Installed 7/28/10, and updates
I wanted to add my opinion on Zero Water filtration system. I bought this system at Target for [...] + tax. Before I installed it, I read up on it, and I'm aware of possible high filter costs, but whenever I get billed [...] for every 5 gallon bottle of water from Sparkllets, I feel like I get ripped off.

Before I installed the Zero water system, water from Sparkellet read at 10-11, which is far better than Fullerton City water, which read at over 350!. I installed the system on 7/28/10, and the installation was fairly easy, washing the whole system was not very difficult either. I just tested the water, and the meter does read 0, and the water tastes great!

I did over fill the reservoir this morning, and my wife was unhappy because of the mess, but it was because I put too much water in there. I thought the water I put in was enough to top off the reservoir, but it's better to leave some room so you don't make a mess like I did.

We go though...

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